Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alpinas nos Kew Gardens 1

Como vos disse, apesar de já ter ido muitas vezes aos Kew Gardes, só na minha última visita, em Março, visitei a Casa das Alpinas e o Jardim Rochoso. Encontrei lá verdadeiras preciosidades botânicas! Adorei e aconselho a todos a visita! Vou deixar-vos aqui algumas fotos das plantas que vi nessas zonas.

As I've told you, besides beeing several times at Kew Gardens before, I've never had visited the Alpine House before. So, last March, I went there specially to visit these two areas. I really loved it. There were a few botanical jewel for everybody to see. Very simple but beautiful flowers as you can see by the pictures I took.


FJSasso said...

Caramba, cada flor mais linda que a outra. As 3 primeiras achei mais lindas.

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Beautiful flowers - second photo from the top, don't know the name of this plant, but it grows very well in a South facing garden in St Ives.

analuciana said...


Miguel Jorge said...

Lindas TODAS!!!!!